Audience Building

10 Writing Techniques to Attract a Massive Audience

Writing techniques don’t make you a better writer. A bunch of writers preach writing techniques as if their secret formula will cause you to have massive writing success. Building a successful writing career involves a ton of variables. One of them is pure luck. Just the way life goes. But there are writing techniques that […]

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Writing and Publishing
Writing Tips

How to Write Listicles That Stand Out

Writing listicles makes you a hack. If you resort to them, you’re not a real writer.  That’s what some writers say. They’ll look down on you for your lack of artistic integrity. You know what I think? Screw those people. I can write better than 90 percent of those pretentious snobs. I can teach you […]

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Writing Tips

How to Write About Yourself (Without Boring People to Death)

Grab your free viral personal stories checklist by clicking this link right here.  If you don’t get this process right, your personal essays will almost certainly fall flat. Did I mention it’s free? If you want to learn how to write about yourself, you have to first understand that about 99 percent of the time, […]

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Writing and Publishing
Writing Tips

How to Write Well: The Guide to Finding Your Unique Voice

“How to write well.” That’s a bit of a loaded phrase, eh? Who’s to say what makes great writing? You have many different styles, genres, and voices. Do they have a common element? Can you learn how to write well regardless of how much natural talent you have? Is writing something anybody can do? All […]

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Monetize Your Writing

How to Become a Writer And Make a Living With Your Words

Featured Download: How to Become a Full-Time Writer. Grab a PDF version of this blog post here to save and read later. Lots of people want to learn how to become a writer. And there’s a ton of information online that will show you the step-by-step methods to do it. This post is no different, […]

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Writing and Publishing
Writing Tips

How to Stand Out Among the Writers

Most of the writing you see online is painfully boring. “5 Tips for Waking Up Early in the Morning.” Gee, thanks, really enlightening. I get it. It’s getting harder and harder to stand out these days. Listicles galore and no original thoughts, right? Everyone is writing the same exact shit and you’re afraid you’re just […]

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Monetize Your Writing
Writing Tips

3 Techniques You Can Use to Become a Profitable Writer

I didn’t start writing for money. I did it because it was the one thing in my life that gave me a level of passion I never felt before. But once I decided I wanted to do it for a living, I realized I needed to make money. So, I went through the tumultuous journey […]

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Writing Tips

8 Questions You Can Ask Yourself to Write Better Articles

There’s no exact method for writing articles that people want to read. You can write about a variety of topics successfully if you understand the patterns behind the type of articles people want to read. It sounds simple and obvious, but many new writers miss the point. If you want a lot of people to […]

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Writing Tips

5 Things Successful Writers Don’t Do

What makes you a successful writer? People have had that debate for, well, forever. And it’s not a debate I’m interested in having myself because there are too many different definitions of success. Often, instead of trying to figure out what will make you successful, it’s better to avoid the things that will definitely cause […]

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Writing and Publishing
Writing Tips

How to Come Up With a Stream of Writing Ideas

For those of you who read my work a lot, I bet you think to yourself: “God damn, how does this dude keep writing as such an insane clip?” Do you want to wield these powers yourself? Do you want to stop feeling so damn stuck about what you should write next? Maybe you’re already […]

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