Audience Building
Writing and Publishing

5 Things You Should Understand About Your Readers

Let’s call a spade a spade — most writers are abject failures. Just god awfully poor results. It doesn’t have to be this way either. There are some people with no talent who are destined to fail, but that description doesn’t fit most writers and it probably doesn’t fit you. Still, odds are, you’re going […]

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Monetize Your Writing
Writing Tips

How to Make Money Writing: The Ultimate Guide

Is it just me, or does it seem like everyone on the planet earth wants to learn how to make money writing? Making money writing is one of those strategies that sounds sexy, but when it comes to the following trough, it can be quite difficult. Difficult, but not impossible. Can you make money writing? […]

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Writing Tips

7 Habits of Highly Effective Writers

Did you know there’s a website called you can use to make a full-time living writing, no strings attached? Get exclusive access to your free five-day email course on monetizing Medium. It’s crazy. We all have the same 26 letters available to us. This finite number of letters can be spun into an infinite […]

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Writing Tips

5 Writing Lessons I’ve Learned From 5 Years of Practice

Did you know there’s a website called you can use to make a full-time living writing, no strings attached? Get exclusive access to your free five-day email course on monetizing Medium. Breaking news: making a full-time living as a writer isn’t easy. You know that, but do you? Do you act like you know […]

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Monetize Your Writing
Writing and Publishing

How to Make Money on Medium: The Ultimate Guide

Did you know there’s a website called you can use to make a full-time living writing, no strings attached? Get exclusive access to your free five-day email course on monetizing Medium. With the rise in popularity of the website, more bloggers want to learn how to make money on Medium. But just like any […]

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Writing and Publishing

The Best Blogging Platform of All Time (Without Question)

When you Google the “best blogging platform” you get all of these results that have lists of multiple platforms. This is totally unnecessary. Why? Because there is one blogging platform that stands out above and beyond the rest. It’s the best blogging platform of all time and it’s not all that close. To this day, […]

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Writing Tips

How to Become a Better Writer: The Ultimate Guide

Did you know there’s a website called you can use to make a full-time living writing, no strings attached? Get exclusive access to your free five-day email course on monetizing Medium. There’s no shortage of advice on how to become a better writer online. How do you know which pieces of advice to trust […]

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Monetize Your Writing
Writing Tips

Medium Blogging: 5 Benefits of Medium Besides Monetization

Want to write on Medium? Get exclusive access to your free five-day email course to become a top Medium writer and make thousands each month. If you play it right, Medium can be the foundation to not just an extra source of income, but to build an amazing life and writing career in general. Without Medium, […]

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Writing Tips

Medium Writing For Beginners: 3 Easy to Fix Mistakes

Want to write on Medium? Get exclusive access to your free five-day email course to become a top Medium writer and make thousands each month. I get it. All of this is so new to you. There’s so much to learn, so many blog posts to write, and so much work ahead of you. And […]

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Writing Tips

5 Writing Advice For Beginners

Did you know there’s a website called you can use to make a full-time living writing, no strings attached? Get exclusive writing advice for beginners to your free five-day email course on monetizing Medium. Zero. Nothing. Nada. I remember member zero. You have no audience, no traffic, no connections, no experience, no plan, no […]

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