Writing and Publishing

Why Writing Often is the “Life Hack” for Personal Growth

Do you hate life hacks? “Drink green tea at 103 degrees.” “Wake up at 5:13 a.m. every day and meditate for 17 minutes.” “Take a cold shower to stimulate your nervous system.” Perhaps the “optimal life style hacking,” phenomenon has gotten a bit out of hand, but I found a true “life hack,” that’s made […]

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Writing Tips

How to be a Writer Who Never Quits

Being a full time writer is one of those careers that’s way harder to pull of than it looks. In the old days, you had to be lucky to succeed. Some writers would go decades before getting published. Even in today’s landscape, where anyone can publish anything at any time, you still face an uphill […]

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Audience Building
Writing and Publishing
Writing Tips

Stop “Creating Content.” Start Writing.

Does content marketing lead sincere writers in the wrong direction? I love writing. I started writing for nothing more than the joy of putting words together. Once I figured out I wanted to make a living writing, I learned about content marketing techniques to help promote my writing. The techniques helped, but at times it […]

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Audience Building
Writing Tips

3 Types of Writing People Actually Want to Read

Did you know there’s a website called Medium.com you can use to make a full-time living writing, no strings attached? Get exclusive access to your free five-day email course on monetizing Medium. Does it feel like nobody seems interested in your writing, even though you write often? A lot of people hear about opportunities like […]

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Audience Building

How to Build An Audience On Medium

Want to write on Medium? Get exclusive access to your free five-day email course to become a top Medium writer and make thousands each month. Everybody’s hitting publish. Thousands of articles hit Medium each day. Millions hit the entire web every day. The sea of noise online is as vast as the ocean. You’re a […]

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Writing Tips

Dear Aspiring Writer, We NEED You

  Writing is tough. Writing something remarkable is even more difficult. The gap between the idea of writing and the practice itself is so large, because it takes a certain energy and commitment to accomplish. You have what it takes to be a writer. I have no doubt in my mind you could be great […]

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Writing Tips

Read This if You Can’t Decide Which Topic to Write About

Did you know there’s a website called Medium.com you can use to make a full-time living writing, no strings attached? Get exclusive access to your free five-day email course on monetizing Medium. Is paralysis analysis killing your creativity? It’s been happening to me lately. I went through dozens of different drafts before I made it […]

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Monetize Your Writing
Writing and Publishing
Writing Tips

Why I Write

Why do I write? I write because it’s one of the few things that allows me to be myself – my real self. Life requires you to be fake sometimes. I don’t have to fake it when I write. I write because it’s amazing how many different concepts, ideas, and messages can be shared with only […]

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Monetize Your Writing

You Have to do These Things to Become a Full-Time Writer

It’s never been easier to start writing online, but that doesn’t mean writing online is easy. There has been an explosion of new writers entering the field on Medium, Twitter, LinkedIn, Substack, and more. Everyone and their mom is calling themselves a writer now. It feels like the space gets noisier and more crowded by […]

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Audience Building
Writing Tips

[Case Study] Master the Art of Writing Catchy Titles

Your catchy titles can mean the difference between writing a Medium article that makes $10 and one that makes $1,000. Even if you write the world’s greatest blog post, no one will know about it if they don’t decide to click. From copywriting expert David Ogilvy: “On the average, five times as many people read […]

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