Audience Building
Monetize Your Writing
Writing Tips

What I’ve Learned From Two Years of Writing

I’ve been writing for two years now. When I started, I had no idea I’d write as much as I have or accomplish as much as I have. Like you, I had a burning desire to unleash the thoughts I had stirring around in my head. I thought about writing for far too long before […]

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Monetize Your Writing
Writing Tips

How to Get Paid to Learn How to Become a Better Writer

What if I told you people would pay you to become a better writer? What if I also told you people would pay you higher amounts to keep learning how to become a better writer? I’ve seen too many online writers wasting away writing free material without reaping any rewards for their writing. Today I’m […]

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Monetize Your Writing
Writing and Publishing
Writing Tips

Why I Write

Why do I write? I write because it’s one of the few things that allows me to be myself – my real self. Life requires you to be fake sometimes. I don’t have to fake it when I write. I write because it’s amazing how many different concepts, ideas, and messages can be shared with only […]

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Monetize Your Writing

You Have to do These Things to Become a Full-Time Writer

It’s never been easier to start writing online, but that doesn’t mean writing online is easy. There has been an explosion of new writers entering the field on Medium, Twitter, LinkedIn, Substack, and more. Everyone and their mom is calling themselves a writer now. It feels like the space gets noisier and more crowded by […]

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Monetize Your Writing
Writing and Publishing

Brutally Honest Answers to Questions I Get About Writing

I’m only hard on you because I care. Honestly, I could make a lot more money if I just painted a sunshine and roses picture about what it takes to become a writer. I just can’t bring myself to do it because I want you to know what you’re in for. Becoming a full-time writer […]

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