Writing and Publishing
Writing Tips

How to Make Sure You’ll Never Make Any Money on Writing

I have psychic powers. Every time I see someone complain that they’re not making any money writing or getting people to read their work, I know exactly what I’ll find when I visit their page. I know all the mistakes you’re going to make before you make them. I also know what will happen if […]

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Audience Building
Writing and Publishing

How to Build an Email List For Beginners With ConvertKit

This is a detailed step-by-step guide you can use to start an email list. Download a PDF version here so you can walk through it and implement the steps on your own time if you don’t have time right now If you learn how to build an email list, you can make a bunch of […]

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Monetize Your Writing
Writing and Publishing
Writing Tips

7 Insights About Medium From a 7 Year Medium Veteran

Don’t worry, uncle Ayo is here to set you all straight. By the time you finish this article, you’ll have a proper understanding of how Medium works and what you need to do to be successful on the platform. You should trust me, if for no other reason, because I’m one of the longest-tenured writers […]

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Writing and Publishing
Writing Tips

How to Beat Writer’s Block to Death

Writer’s block isn’t real. Before I dive into specific tips to cure it, I must dispel the myth that it even exists. Sure, you might fail to write as often as you’d like to, but it’s not because you suffer from some disease that makes you unable to write. It’s not some mysterious cloud hovering […]

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Writing and Publishing
Writing Tips

How to Write a Personal Narrative Essay That Doesn’t Suck

Medium.com can help you make cash and build your audience. Get exclusive access to your free five-day email course to become a top Medium writer and make thousands each month. When I come across a personal narrative essay, nine times out of ten it’s total garbage. It’s no coincidence that personal narrative essays tend to […]

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Writing and Publishing

8 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Become a Content Creator

I’m not trying to pimp the dream of creating content for a living. Is it as awesome as you think it is? Yes. But that doesn’t mean you should do it. Can you make a lot of money creating content? Um, hell yeah. But you probably won’t. Do you have what it takes to make […]

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Writing and Publishing
Writing Tips

How to Write Listicles That Stand Out

Writing listicles makes you a hack. If you resort to them, you’re not a real writer.  That’s what some writers say. They’ll look down on you for your lack of artistic integrity. You know what I think? Screw those people. I can write better than 90 percent of those pretentious snobs. I can teach you […]

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Writing and Publishing
Writing Tips

How to Write Well: The Guide to Finding Your Unique Voice

“How to write well.” That’s a bit of a loaded phrase, eh? Who’s to say what makes great writing? You have many different styles, genres, and voices. Do they have a common element? Can you learn how to write well regardless of how much natural talent you have? Is writing something anybody can do? All […]

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Writing and Publishing
Writing Tips

How to Stand Out Among the Writers

Most of the writing you see online is painfully boring. “5 Tips for Waking Up Early in the Morning.” Gee, thanks, really enlightening. I get it. It’s getting harder and harder to stand out these days. Listicles galore and no original thoughts, right? Everyone is writing the same exact shit and you’re afraid you’re just […]

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Writing and Publishing
Writing Tips

How to Come Up With a Stream of Writing Ideas

For those of you who read my work a lot, I bet you think to yourself: “God damn, how does this dude keep writing as such an insane clip?” Do you want to wield these powers yourself? Do you want to stop feeling so damn stuck about what you should write next? Maybe you’re already […]

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