Writing Tips

Never Run Out of Things to Write About: The Ultimate Guide

Featured Download: Never Run Out of Things to Write About Again: The Ultimate Guide. Grab a PDF version of this blog post here to save and read later. Most aspiring writers tell me they struggle with finding things to write about. Either they have no idea where to start or they feel burnt out because they’ve […]

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Writing and Publishing
Writing Tips

How to Write a Personal Narrative Essay That Doesn’t Suck

Medium.com can help you make cash and build your audience. Get exclusive access to your free five-day email course to become a top Medium writer and make thousands each month. When I come across a personal narrative essay, nine times out of ten it’s total garbage. It’s no coincidence that personal narrative essays tend to […]

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Audience Building
Writing Tips

Blogging About Life: How to Properly Connect With Readers

There are two ways you can go about blogging about life. You can write about your life. Or, you can write about the lives of other people. There’s a right and wrong way to do both. Well, they’re not right or wrong, but there are approaches for each style that tend to work and tend […]

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Writing Tips

Amateur Blogging Tips: How to Become a Pro

Most people take a stab at amateur blogging with the hopes of turning it into a full-time writing career. 99 percent of the people who try amateur blogging never ‘turn pro’ and create something that can actually become a business. Instead, they flail around and write their little hearts out for a bit and eventually […]

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Writing Tips

Best Blogger Books For 2023: 10 Titles That Help You Become a Successful Blogger

Some of these blogger books talk directly about what it takes to build a successful blog. Others on the list give you the motivation and inspiration you need to stay the course in your writing career. All of the books are packed with wisdom and will help you thrive if you follow through with the […]

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Writing Tips

Three Simple and Quick Techniques to Write Better Headlines

Most beginner writers kill the chances of their article’s success before they pen a single word. If you get the headline wrong, your article is toast. Many writers treat headlines like an afterthought when they are the most important piece of your blog posts. No one clicks, no one reads. “But I don’t want to […]

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Writing and Publishing
Writing Tips

How to Write Listicles That Stand Out

Writing listicles makes you a hack. If you resort to them, you’re not a real writer.  That’s what some writers say. They’ll look down on you for your lack of artistic integrity. You know what I think? Screw those people. I can write better than 90 percent of those pretentious snobs. I can teach you […]

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Writing Tips

How to Write About Yourself (Without Boring People to Death)

Grab your free viral personal stories checklist by clicking this link right here.  If you don’t get this process right, your personal essays will almost certainly fall flat. Did I mention it’s free? If you want to learn how to write about yourself, you have to first understand that about 99 percent of the time, […]

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Writing and Publishing
Writing Tips

How to Write Well: The Guide to Finding Your Unique Voice

“How to write well.” That’s a bit of a loaded phrase, eh? Who’s to say what makes great writing? You have many different styles, genres, and voices. Do they have a common element? Can you learn how to write well regardless of how much natural talent you have? Is writing something anybody can do? All […]

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Writing and Publishing
Writing Tips

How to Stand Out Among the Writers

Most of the writing you see online is painfully boring. “5 Tips for Waking Up Early in the Morning.” Gee, thanks, really enlightening. I get it. It’s getting harder and harder to stand out these days. Listicles galore and no original thoughts, right? Everyone is writing the same exact shit and you’re afraid you’re just […]

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