Why Writing Often is the “Life Hack” for Personal Growth
Do you hate life hacks?
“Drink green tea at 103 degrees.”
“Wake up at 5:13 a.m. every day and meditate for 17 minutes.”
“Take a cold shower to stimulate your nervous system.”
Perhaps the “optimal life style hacking,” phenomenon has gotten a bit out of hand, but I found a true “life hack,” that’s made my life ten times better—writing.
Here are a few reasons why.
Writing Helps Me Figure Out Who I Am
When I write, I feel at home. I can just be myself—say what I want to say and hit publish.
For me, it’s easier to share my feelings with a bunch of people I don’t know instead of one person I’m close to. Writing gives me the emotional release I can’t get from my in person interactions.
When I have issues with my life, I write. When I’m pissed off, happy, or sad, I write. It doesn’t always “cure,” what I’m dealing with, but, it helps me sort things out in a way thinking alone can’t.
Every time I sit down and type, I learn something about myself.
I’ve learned I can persevere, given the right goal.
I’ve learned success comes while you’re having fun, and not to get too caught up in “the grind.”
I’ve learned most people have the same issues as I do—doubt, insecurity, and the like. I’m not special as an individual, but we’re all special as the human race, simply because we navigate through a complicated existence.
If you feel lost, try writing about your experiences. It doesn’t have to be for the public, you can keep it in a journal.
I guarantee your eyes will be opened and you’ll learn something new.
Writing Gives Me Empathy
I can be selfish. I treat people poorly at times. If you’re close to me, you can still feel far away from me.
I get preoccupied with my own wants and needs.
When I write, I get to connect with you. I do my best to write at the intersection—what I want to talk about and what you want to hear.
When I write something you find useful, I feel better about myself. We both gain something from the experience.
When you take time to pen through your own struggles, you can’t help but realize other people must feel the same way.
Writing Makes Me More Productive
I’ve quit most everything in my life. I quit the pyramid scheme business I involved myself in. I quit college halfway through before going back. My past is riddled with empty promises I’ve made to myself.
I’ve always had a hard time finding motivation in my life, but writing motivates me. Writing will motivate me for the rest of my life.
Writing helps me wake up at 6 a.m. to get my day started. I want to wake up. I’ve never had something in my life worth getting up for, now I do.
I’ve written hundreds of thousands of words so far. My writing has become a practice—a habit I can use to build discipline in other areas of my life.
I have to rest well if I want to wake up in the morning to write. I have to be mindful of my time and spend less of it on meaningless activities like watching T.V. (not knocking T.V. but it is meaningless).
If my health suffers, my writing suffers.
I’m keeping other areas of my life in check because I want to be successful with my writing.
Habits work in mysterious ways. If you develop one good habit, it spills over into other areas of your life without a conscious effort.
If you have the itch to write, or if you’ve already started, develop a practice around your writing and watch other areas of your life become more productive.
Writing Opens Doors For Me
Writing leads to new opportunities. I have no idea where writing will take me, and that excites me. I didn’t start writing to make a living, but now I do make an income from it.
I’ve met interesting and influential people.
I’ve had people reach out to me for help. There are people out there who look to me as a source of wisdom, and I do my best to honor their view of me and help as much as I can.
Opportunities have come to me. The online writing space allows for serendipity. I never know what’s going to happen after I hit publish.
When you write often, you open doors to the adjacent possible — the labyrinth of new opportunities you’re exposed to when you’re courageous enough to share yourself with the world.
I want to stress this idea to new writers. If you feel like nothing will come of your writing, I guarantee you’re wrong. If you keep writing and publishing your words for the world to see, good things will happen.
Maybe not right away, maybe not when you want them to, but a consistent effort leads to explosive growth in your skills and the possibilities for your future.
Step through the door. Take the post you have in drafts and finish it (like I did with this one!). Put your words out there, because we need them.
What Can Writing Do For You?
You’ll never know until you try.
Join the community and you’ll get a guide on writing your first book, a guide on building your writing habits, and a guide on writing words people want to read. These guides will give you the head start you need for building a writing career you love.
What do you think writing often could do for your life?
Let me know in the comments.