Audience Building
Writing Tips

Effective Writing Tips to Make the Readers Finish Your Posts

When you write a blog post, each sentence only has one job. Get your reader to read the next sentence. This is crucial for writing on Medium because you get paid based on how long people spend reading your articles. The more people finish your posts, the more money you earn. If people click away […]

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Audience Building
Writing and Publishing

How to Build an Email List For Beginners With ConvertKit

This is a detailed step-by-step guide you can use to start an email list. Download a PDF version here so you can walk through it and implement the steps on your own time if you don’t have time right now If you learn how to build an email list, you can make a bunch of […]

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Audience Building
Writing Tips

Blogging About Life: How to Properly Connect With Readers

There are two ways you can go about blogging about life. You can write about your life. Or, you can write about the lives of other people. There’s a right and wrong way to do both. Well, they’re not right or wrong, but there are approaches for each style that tend to work and tend […]

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Audience Building

10 Writing Techniques to Attract a Massive Audience

Writing techniques don’t make you a better writer. A bunch of writers preach writing techniques as if their secret formula will cause you to have massive writing success. Building a successful writing career involves a ton of variables. One of them is pure luck. Just the way life goes. But there are writing techniques that […]

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Audience Building
Writing and Publishing

5 Things You Should Understand About Your Readers

Let’s call a spade a spade — most writers are abject failures. Just god awfully poor results. It doesn’t have to be this way either. There are some people with no talent who are destined to fail, but that description doesn’t fit most writers and it probably doesn’t fit you. Still, odds are, you’re going […]

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Audience Building

How to Attract Audience for Your Writing

Admit it. You want more fans for your writing. You’re tired of writing posts nobody reads and being jealous of other online writers who hit a home run every time they publish. You know it’s possible to attract an audience of loyal fans because you see others doing it, but for you it feels like […]

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Audience Building
Monetize Your Writing
Writing and Publishing
Writing Tips

How to Become a Paid Professional Writer in 30 Days or Less

Did you know there’s a website called you can use to make a full-time living writing, no strings attached? Get exclusive access to your free five-day email course on monetizing Medium. The old ways of making an impact and an income with your writing took time, patience, thick skin, and a ton of effort. […]

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Audience Building

How to Get the Following by Publishing on Medium

Want to write on Medium? Get exclusive access to your free five-day email course to become a top Medium writer and make thousands each month. You want to try publishing on Medium or try other strategies, but you’re overwhelmed. Every day, you come across blog post after blog post preaching the hottest tip, trick, or […]

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Audience Building
Monetize Your Writing
Writing and Publishing
Writing Tips

The Truth Behind Writing Success in 2023

“If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.” – Mark Twain Can I tell you the truth? Most advice about writing is b.s. You’re not going to make “six figures in six weeks.” Ain’t gonna happen. Anyone promising to make you wealthy overnight is pulling the wool over your eyes. You can, […]

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Audience Building
Monetize Your Writing
Writing and Publishing

How to Turn Pro in Your Writing Career

“If you find yourself asking yourself (and your friends), “Am I really a writer? Am I really an artist?” chances are you are. The counterfeit innovator is wildly self-confident. The real one is scared to death.” – Steven Pressfield I know what you’re thinking. You write, but you don’t think you’re a real writer. The […]

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