Monetize Your Writing
Writing Tips

How to Make Money Writing (Up to $10,000 Per Month)

I hesitate to write articles like these. Articles about making an income writing, or making an income doing anything else online, are almost always self-serving humble brags. I make it a point to avoid sharing exactly how much money I make because I know it breeds envy more than it does inspiration. So why am […]

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Audience Building
Monetize Your Writing
Writing and Publishing
Writing Tips

How to Become a Paid Professional Writer in 30 Days or Less

Did you know there’s a website called you can use to make a full-time living writing, no strings attached? Get exclusive access to your free five-day email course on monetizing Medium. The old ways of making an impact and an income with your writing took time, patience, thick skin, and a ton of effort. […]

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Monetize Your Writing
Writing and Publishing

Why Now is the Best Time to be a Writer?

Imagine making a few hundred bucks with a click of a button… Would you be interested in doing that? Of course, you would. Why do I bring it up? Becuase I’ve done it. More than once. After writing for a few years, I’m finally making (what I consider) a good income with writing. You can […]

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Audience Building
Monetize Your Writing
Writing and Publishing
Writing Tips

The Truth Behind Writing Success in 2023

“If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.” – Mark Twain Can I tell you the truth? Most advice about writing is b.s. You’re not going to make “six figures in six weeks.” Ain’t gonna happen. Anyone promising to make you wealthy overnight is pulling the wool over your eyes. You can, […]

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Audience Building
Monetize Your Writing
Writing and Publishing

How to Turn Pro in Your Writing Career

“If you find yourself asking yourself (and your friends), “Am I really a writer? Am I really an artist?” chances are you are. The counterfeit innovator is wildly self-confident. The real one is scared to death.” – Steven Pressfield I know what you’re thinking. You write, but you don’t think you’re a real writer. The […]

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Monetize Your Writing
Writing and Publishing
Writing Tips

5 Milestones to Track the Online Writer Success

Everybody wants to start a blog and be an online writer these days. Many people do start blogs — a few with success, and most with none. If you’re in the beginning stages of building a blog, you have a ton to learn. If you stay the course, you will learn, and you’ll be amazed […]

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Audience Building
Monetize Your Writing
Writing Tips

How to Start a Blog (And Why You Should Do it Today)

I started this blog because I want to help aspiring writers like you — people who know they have the words inside them but need help in all phases of building their online writing career. This includes the writing itself, building consistent habits, marketing, and technical aspects. I conducted a few surveys and was surprised […]

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Monetize Your Writing
Writing and Publishing
Writing Tips

4 Important Lessons Learned From Writing My Second Book

I sold five times as many books during the launch of my second book than I did on my first one. Now, I am still not a New York Times Best Selling author, but I’m starting to see the true power of online writing. In fact, this second book launch has given me enough confidence […]

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Monetize Your Writing
Writing Tips

How to Get Your Writing Noticed: the Most Overlooked Secret

Did you know there’s a website called you can use to make a full-time living writing, no strings attached? Get exclusive access to your free five-day email course on monetizing Medium. Let’s cut to the chase — you want people to notice your writing. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t attempt to publish your work […]

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Monetize Your Writing
Writing and Publishing
Writing Tips

How to be Certain Your Writing Career Isn’t a Waste of Time

I have good news and bad news. Let’s start with the bad — your writing career might be a waste of time. The good news — it’s probably not. I’ve noticed a strange fear I — as well as many others — have. The fear of putting time and effort into something that just isn’t meant to […]

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