Monetize Your Writing
Writing and Publishing
Writing Tips

4 Important Lessons Learned From Writing My Second Book

I sold five times as many books during the launch of my second book than I did on my first one. Now, I am still not a New York Times Best Selling author, but I’m starting to see the true power of online writing. In fact, this second book launch has given me enough confidence […]

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Writing Tips

The Ultimate Guide to Building a Writing Habit

Did you know there’s a website called you can use to make a full-time living writing, no strings attached? Get exclusive access to your free five-day email course on monetizing Medium. You know you need to write often to have a successful writing career. You want to build a writing habit so you can unleash […]

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Writing and Publishing

Steps to Writing a Book: The Ultimate Guide

The steps to writing a book are simple. Think you have a book in you? We’ve all heard the overly quoted statistic. 81% of the population wants to write a book, but only 1% actually does. In 2017, writing and publishing a book isn’t only possible, but it’s easier than it’s even been before. There’s […]

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Writing and Publishing
Writing Tips

Click Bait vs. Genuine Writing: Which Path Should You Follow?

First, let’s eliminate all potential whining from whiny writers. We’re living in the best possible time in human history to be writers. As a writer today, you don’t have to jump through the insane hoops, obstacles, and barriers your predecessors had to. Kurt Vonnegut wrote for twenty-five years before publishers discovered him. Today, you literally […]

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Writing and Publishing
Writing Tips

5 Compelling Reasons to Write and Publish a Book

Self-publishing has leveled the playing field and given writers a chance who wouldn’t have had one before. Much of the stigma around self-publishing is gone too, and there are authors making a real impact and an income with their words. I took a course on self-publishing, and since then I’ve written two books. I also […]

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Monetize Your Writing
Writing Tips

How to Get Your Writing Noticed: the Most Overlooked Secret

Did you know there’s a website called you can use to make a full-time living writing, no strings attached? Get exclusive access to your free five-day email course on monetizing Medium. Let’s cut to the chase — you want people to notice your writing. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t attempt to publish your work […]

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Monetize Your Writing
Writing and Publishing
Writing Tips

How to be Certain Your Writing Career Isn’t a Waste of Time

I have good news and bad news. Let’s start with the bad — your writing career might be a waste of time. The good news — it’s probably not. I’ve noticed a strange fear I — as well as many others — have. The fear of putting time and effort into something that just isn’t meant to […]

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Audience Building
Monetize Your Writing
Writing Tips

What I’ve Learned From Two Years of Writing

I’ve been writing for two years now. When I started, I had no idea I’d write as much as I have or accomplish as much as I have. Like you, I had a burning desire to unleash the thoughts I had stirring around in my head. I thought about writing for far too long before […]

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Writing and Publishing
Writing Tips

How to Succeed as a Writer

I’ve been guilty of spouting lies, so have many other online writers. Online writers and bloggers make success in the writing field seem harder than it is. Don’t get me wrong, becoming a better writer, finding readers for your writing, making money from your writing, building a legacy with your writing, ect., aren’t necessarily easy. […]

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Monetize Your Writing
Writing Tips

How to Get Paid to Learn How to Become a Better Writer

What if I told you people would pay you to become a better writer? What if I also told you people would pay you higher amounts to keep learning how to become a better writer? I’ve seen too many online writers wasting away writing free material without reaping any rewards for their writing. Today I’m […]

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